Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Antilock Brasking Systems Lab Workbook 4825

ABS Repair

  • spiked by careless wlding i.e MIG welding without disconnecting the battery is true

  • Encolsure seal damaged wid obvious sign of water ingress is true

  • Obvious signs of mechanical damage to the encolsure is false

  • Faults are more likely to be connections or sensors is true

You culd use the scan tool and have a look to see if there a diagnostic trouble code
Using ocillocpe or muiltmeter to test all the wheel speed sensors and do all the test that needed to be. Check all the connections expecially connnections to the ECU and check wiring for damage.

Components of the ABS wiring and operations

  1. 1 disc

  2. wheel speed sensors

  3. Rotor

  4. HCU/ ECu

  5. master cylinder

  6. Calliper /wheel cylinder

  7. booster

Front right: white and black

Front left: green and red

Rear left : blue and pink

Rear right :yellow and brown

the reasons for braded wire: because it has anti interence and doesnt make the ECU confuse and stop the electrical going out

There 5 fuses in the ciurit

  1. main fuse

  2. gauge fuse

  3. dome fuse

  4. stop fuse

  5. ECU

ABS Motor pin number is 1A

ABS control unti pin number is 10B and 7B

Wheel cylinders

Font right wheel

pin number 3B And 7B . wire colour Red and white + red and green

Front Left wheel

pin number .3B and 7B Wire colour blue and red +black and white

Rear Left Wheel

pin number 4b and 8b wire colour geen and black + green and yellow

Rear Right Wheel

pin number 1b and 5b wire colour brown and white + brown and red

The conditon of the inlet and outlet solsnoid valves under normal braking

the wrong answer is inlet valve closed - outlet valve open

The condition of the inlet and outlet solenoid valves when the ABS is operating to reduce wheel break pressure

the right answer is inlet valve closed - out let valve open

The condition of the inlet and outlet solenods valves when the ABS is operating to hold brake pressure

the correct was one the inlet valve closed - outlet valve closed

Condtion of the inlet and outlet sensoids valves when the ABS is operating to increase wheel breake pressure.

the wrong answer is inlet valvve closed - out valve open

The ABS motor wil be working

this a graph of the digital singal with 5 volts and every 2 seconds

Sorry sir i forgot to add the time for the second and the top it on and botom line is off.
so when the brake fluid goes through the outllet vlave it fills with resvoir and then the motor is used to operate like working as the pump pushing the fliud back to the chamber and into the brake tube lines from the master cylinder.

This a picture of the analogue signals wid a freuecny of 0.5HZ

ABS Demonstrators

Left Front ECU Pin 4 and 5

Left Rear ECU Pin 7 and 9

Right Front ECU Pin 11 and 21

Right Rear ECu Pin 24 and 26

the type of the speed sensor is Inductive

ABS speed sensors check the rotation of each tire, making sure that each wheel is rotating properly and working well. Any slippage or difference between the wheels triggers the ABS system.

Using a Ocillosope is a Tektronix type

Record a waveform for weheel speed sensors.

The all four wheel speeds sensors very same to me but nothing diffent pattern when testin the other 3 speed sensors. Because all 4 wheel is same and the air gap as well so they al of them are the same. The times period is the same on all these warforms bt the voltages varys and this can be the air betweeen the sensors and reduvtor so when the gap is smaller the voltage would be lower.

Measuring AC volts wid a multi-meter
Left Front 3.2v
Left Rear 2.7v
Right front 4.1v
Right Rear 2.9v
P/c x .707 =RMS
3.2/ .7097 =4
be as accurtate in finding with the wheel speed sensors is NO
well it bit strange all the wheel speed sensor voltages are differnt and i dont think that is not normal. could be some faults or maybe depend how mch pressure like pushin the brake down and put the somthing on the teeth and press it and find the readings well my view if there are a couple of teeth missing on the gear the mulitermter would nt really show and the oscillaope wil ahve a change in time.

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